Book: The Histories Of Dogland(1568-1910)

Avalible in Dogland Libraries, a rare book

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Whiskers wore a dazed expression on his face; stupefied by the news that they were to be trapped in the cell forever. Dragging himself out of bed, he scuffed towards the entrance. To his surprise, the bars were nowhere in sight...

He felt a rush of excitement and scuttled out of the entrance to his freedom. He managed to get out and shouted to Fluffy to do the same.

Fluffy watched Whisker's exit in awe. She sprinted towards the entrance. But the same gate came crashing down, almost severing her fluffy tail.

"What the ...?", both CATs cried out.

The next few minutes saw Whiskers moving in and out of the entrance without any obstacle in his way. The CATs concluded that the bars only came down if it sensed Fluffy's exit.

"All's not lost," comforted Whiskers.

"You can stay in while I go out to sea to catch Unagi to feed the both of us. At least we will not starve," reasoned Whiskers.

Fluffy gave Whiskers an alarming look. But she quickly realised that Whiskers was right after all.

The two maids went about their daily chores as though nothing has happened. And if you're still wondering, they are not real Dogs.

After a hard day's work, they would retire to their bases--drop dead and get re-charged for the next day's activities. In the 1900s, they were called R-O-B-O-T-S.

The guards never returned to the cell. So confident was King Sam in his Smart Prison Concept, he did not even bother to guard the cell.

The two CATs were left mostly on their own and lived out the rest of their lives forgotten by Dogland!

And if you were reading this blog, you should also be glad that you would not hear of the CATs anymore... CATS. They are best forgotten.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


The Unagi was the best Whiskers had ever eaten in years. He had not eaten or slept for days. After downing a dozen unagis and some beer, vertigo sets in and he fell into deep sleep...

Fluffy paced up and down in her room. What will she do with Whiskers? She can't possibly hide him in her room for long without being discovered. She desperately needed a plan.

The maids announced the arrival of King Sam. Fluffy hurriedly covered Whiskers in her bed covers and sauntered over to the living room to meet King Sam.

" What brings you here, your royal highness?" Fluffy bowed her head and curtsied demurely.

" The News is already out. As far as Dogland goes, you're dead and gone. Do not venture out of this cell-- not even a single step. Is this understood?" King Sam sounded impatient. Without waiting for a reply, he left.

Fluffy looked out into the lush garden outside her cell. Not a step out of this cell? Is this even possible? All she could see is the open lush garden. No bars ... She can easily walk in and out as she pleases. With that thought, Fluffy scampered towards the garden.

To her horror, a gate came crashing down out of nowhere. The gate completely closed the entrance to her cell. Fluffy is trapped!

She turned back into her cell. Whiskers was awoken by the crashing sound and thought he was still dreaming. Then he saw Fluffy running towards him, almost out of breath.

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"We're trapped!" Fluffy cried in despair.