Book: The Histories Of Dogland(1568-1910)

Avalible in Dogland Libraries, a rare book

Sunday, June 26, 2005


It was turbulent times in Dogland. Many wars were fought. Pirates assailed the coast of Dogland, bombarding the patrol ships with canons when night falls. Fortunately for King Sam, the kindness he has shown towards Monstalban has been well-rewarded. The Monkey ex-pirate--now made captain-- proved himself a capable fighter and has remained loyal to Dogland since.

Many kings came and went. Often, a King's reign is very short. Dogland kings were an unruly lot and some were very cruel. This has caused much displeasure among the dogs and cast great suspicion on every King who came to be crowned.

Sam is a powerful looking dog with a brick-like head and strong muscular jaws. He is very hunky and stocky, yet agile, and extremely strong for his size. Sam is a good fighter. He led an army of 12,000 dogs to win the war with the CATs and was crowned King.

After the war, he outlawed all cats in Dogland--urging dogs to shoot them on sight. So, when a CAT suddenly showed up in his sleeping quarters, he was startled but remained calm.

In turbluent times, Dog officials are often corrupt and incompetent, securing benefits for themselves whenever the opportunity arises; making the best of the influence they wield when good times are still in their favour. But to make it to the King's Palace is almost incredible--this is one very clever CAT!

"Hush! Hush!" silenced the CAT.

" I come in peace and bring you abundant fortune--if you will only listen to me," whispered the CAT.

She (the CAT) unfurled what looks like a map and whirled it across his face.

"How did you get into my palace?" King Sam demanded.

"That is not important," assured the CAT. "What you are about to know is," she said persuasively.

King Sam was in a dilemma. If he were to listen to the CAT, he is going against his own decree; and if he were to kill this CAT, he may never know the great secret she brings.

What should he do? If dogs came to know, he is ready to conspire with a CAT (what more a female), it would surely cause much displeasure. A rebellion will surely follow suit...

"Alright," snarled the CAT, growing impatient.

"If you think dogs will rebel against you and think you a traitor, they already do!" the CAT continued audaciously.

"Turbulent times calls for unorthodox thinking, Sam," the CAT cajoled.

"Give me 10 minutes and if you don't like what you hear, you may have my head!" the CAT seemed exasperated at Sam's indecision, but confident that she would finally win Sam over.

Sam saw the map (actually half the map); the other half is in the CAT's head, so no point chopping that off.

Discussions in hushed tones continued. A deal must have been made as Sam and the CAT shook paws...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


"Fluffy, it had to be Fluffy!" Whiskers muttered to himself. Fluffy, though cute as a furball, is a far more scheming feline than she appears to be. Whiskers brought Fluffy with him to Spain after the war, sharing his plan to secretly to steal the Dogland treasures and later on to live with Fluffy in Spain happily ever after...

While Whiskers memorised the map, he gave half of the missing map to Fluffy for safekeeping. Fluffy was supposed to plan her own adoption to the Mirgle household and secretly plant the map in the garden. The scheme was to reveal that half of the map to Captain Mirgle so that he would plan the attack on Dogland.

Fluffy, being Fluffy, sat demurely on the doorstep of the Mirgle's mansion and won over Mrs Mirgle immediately. Fluffy became Mrs Mirgle's favourite. She also brought Whiskers to the family and all went well as planned.

The CATs behaved just like other cats on the Planet Earth. Who can tell they were really alien cats? They mewed, loved fish, glared with glassy eyes , licked their paws and even hated dogs! They scampered playfully in the garden every lazy afternoon , playing hide-and-seek.

One evening, when Captain Mirgle was reading Treasure Island, Fluffy mewed excitely to draw his attention to the treasure map she had purportedly dug out in the garden. The rest, as they say, was history.

The plan was to have Whiskers stow away in the pirate ship to secretly enter Dogland and retrieve the treasure. Fluffy was supposed to remain in Spain to keep Mrs Mirgle company. After all, if Mrs Mirgle is happy, she would not make herself a nuisance to the Captain. But did Fluffy stick to Whisker's plan?

Thinking back, Whiskers could almost swear that he could feel the presence of Fluffy in the ship. He had thought it was just that he was missing Fluffy. So it seemed that Whiskers is not the only one who had memorised the map.

And someone (Fluffy?) got to the treasures first. Perhaps she even made a deal with the King. Could she be hiding in the castle still? Whiskers just had to find out...


A fleet of 3 Marquis(ships), 3 War Esophagors and 8 Avenger of wars arrived at the attacked ship. Monkey Monstalban sank 1 Marquis and 1 War Esphagor. Monstalban was then dragged off to prison. Monstalban one day managed to ask the king for forgiveness. The kind king forgave him and his duty was set as a captain of a ship. He was also able to keep his ship. He was also assigned on Saturday and Sunday as a patrol force. He was the first monkey to join Dogland. However, he had to pay money for the cost of the ships he sank as well. He is a good leader and he will continue to fight off attacking pirates and smugglers. He wanted to be famous when he died, and his dream came true! His old crew was still in the dungeons, refusing to seek forgiveness. But he missed his life as a pirate and fortunatley he did not give up his life of serving Dogland.

Sidebar to Chapter Twenty Four: The Map

Oh Yes! The old Dogland Map. It was rumoured that the map reveals hidden treasures. It was also rumoured that some ruthless CATS knew the existence of the treasure and that was why they attacked Dogland. When the Dogland map was discovered, a part of it was missing. Who has the missing map?

Having lost the war at Dogland, some cats secretly escaped. The CAT's ambition of uncovering and finally stealing the Dogland treasure was still very much alive.

Whiskers, the vile and manipulative feline, escaped from Dogland after losing the war. He disguised himself as a stray cat, roaming the dark alleys of a city in Spain. It was there that Whiskers got adopted by a pirate who happens to be the Captain of The Black Mirgle. Whiskers calculated that he could sneak into Dogland undetected when the Black Mirgle attacked the coast.

But the Black Mirgle was sunk and Whiskers was too late! The King had already uncovered the treasure and was happily sorting out his jewels when Whiskers arrived.

How did the King know where the treasure lies? Whiskers is the only one with the missing map, unless...