Book: The Histories Of Dogland(1568-1910)

Avalible in Dogland Libraries, a rare book

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Whiskers, under cover of the dark, stealthily roam King Sam's palace to find clues as to the wherabouts of Fluffy, whom he is sure is hiding somewhere in Dogland. His first destination: the King's pressroom to take a peek of the next day's Dogland Times--Dogland's only newspaper.

Stacks of newspapers were just off the press. Whiskers grabbed one. Staring in his face was Fluffy's. Fluffy has just made headlines.

"Fugitive CAT assassinated in Palace! " it said.

"So, Brickhead killed Fluffy!" muttered Whiskers.

Suddenly, melancholy overcame Whiskers. Fluffy is gone. Forever.

"Brickhead shall pay for this!" Whiskers swore.

"Fernando Attacks Again," read another headline.

"Urgh! Fernando--what a waste of time!," Whiskers hissed.

Whiskers advanced towards the beachfront of the palace, trying to think of his next course of action.

Then something caught his attention. A light flickering in the distance. It seems to come from a cave, a prison according to the map.

Whiskers ambled across the beach as it was quiet and unguarded. Thanks to Fernando.

As he approach the cave, Whiskers smelt a familiar smell. Grilled Unagi--Fluffy's favourite.

"Unagi tastes better than green eggs and ham for sure. Stupid brickhead!" Whiskers mused.

Then Whiskers stopped dead at the entrance to the prison. It is indeed a very special prison.

Where else can you find a prison that is adorned with walls of silk and ceilings of gold? And the prisoner is not held in chains, but free to roam about and to cook her favourite dish. Not only that, there were also two maids in waiting...

"Just, what are you doing here, Fluffy?" Whiskers sprang a nasty surprise, grabbing Fluffy's paws tightly behind her back.

" I see, you finally caught up," Fluffy said unperturbed.

"Guards! Put this intruder away!" the CAT shouted.

"No use now. All the guards are now called to fight Fernando!" Whiskers retorted.

"How dare you betray me, Fluffy?" shouted Whiskers, not believing that this encounter is for real.

"Calm down Whiskers. This plan I have... it's for us," Fluffy continued, ignoring Whisker's annoyance.

"You had better explain!" Whiskers growled.

So, Fluffy explained how she hated Spain, having to eat uncooked fish and dressed up in silly-looking cat outfits made personally by Mrs Mirgle; how she misses Unagi and the good life she had with Whiskers in Catland. Exiled now from Catland for escaping from Dogland after the war, her second best choice is to stay in Dogland.

So, she bribed King Sam with the treasure map. To make King Sam look good, she agreed to stay hidden in this special prison while the rest of Dogland thinks she had been captured and killed.

"Brilliant idea, don't you think?" asked Fluffy indignantly.

"Where do I come in?" asked Whiskers almost exasperated.

"I always have plans for you, trust me!" Fluffy continued, fluttering her eye lashes.

"Have some Unagi, you must be famished," consoled Fluffy.

"Might as well," said Whiskers.

Can Fluffy be trusted? You will find out--SOON!